Welcome to His Secret Obsession's Terms & Conditions
Thank you for choosing His Secret Obsession as your destination website! These terms & conditions outlines all the regulations pertaining to using the His Secret Obsession website at https://us-hissecretobsession.com/.
By accessing this site, we assume that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions. If any part of this page does not agree with you, do not use His Secret Ossession.
These Terms and Conditions, Privacy Notice, Disclaimer Notice and any agreements use the following terminology: "Client", you and your refer to anyone logging onto this website in compliance with its terms. Our Company refers to itself as "The Company", "Ourselves", We", Our", and "Us". Clients of ours and ourselves together form what is known as the "Party or Parties or Us". All terms refers to the offer and acceptance of payment required to complete our assistance to clients in an effective way that meets their needs with regard to provision of Company services in accordance with and subject to Netherlands Law. Terminology used here, whether singular, plural, capitalized or other is taken interchangeable and considered equivalent as it all refers to one service/product/offering provided.
Cookies is something we utilize and by visiting His Secret Obsession you agree to their usage.
Cookies are commonly employed by interactive websites to retrieve user information during each session, including ours. Our site utilizes them to make certain sections easier for visitors. In addition, some of our affiliate/advertising partners may also utilize them.
License to His Secret Obsession His Secret Obsession and/or its licensors hold all intellectual property rights to all material found on His Secret Obsession, with access granted for personal use only. Any intellectual property used is reserved solely by His Secret Obsession and all intellectual property is strictly for personal use only.
Republishing material from His Secret Obsession; renting, selling or sublicensing His Secret Obsession material; reproducing, duplicating or copying any of His Secret Obsession material
His Secret Obsession content can be redistributed. This agreement's effective date will serve as the start date.
At His Secret Obsession, users can post opinions and exchange information through certain sections of this site. We do not filter, edit or publish comments before they appear online; views expressed do not represent those of His Secret Obsession, its agents or affiliates; they reflect only those of the individual posting them and should not be taken as representing us or our views or affiliations. His Secret Obsession disclaims liability for Comments posted or used as part of their service on His Secret Obsession website to the full extent allowed by applicable laws; we assume no responsibility or financial or legal responsibility as a result of using, posting or appearing of comments herein or elsewhere on His Secret Obsession websites in relation to liability claims made as a consequence thereof or their use arising there from.
His Secret Obsession reserves all rights to monitor and remove comments deemed inappropriate, offensive, or contrary to our Terms and Conditions.
You warrant and represent: To post comments on our website, and have all licenses and permission necessary.
Comments do not violate any intellectual property rights of a third party, including but not limited to copyright, trademark, or patent protection.
The comments do not include any offensive, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful material that infringes on privacy.
Comments posted will not be used for soliciting or promoting businesses, customs, or commercial activities.
Your Comments provide His Secret Obsession with a nonexclusive license to use and reproduce them across any media and format, including in any manner authorized by us.
Hyperlinking our Content
You may link to this website without prior written approval if you belong to one of the following organizations: Guvernului Government agencies Search engines News Organizations
Directory distributors may link to our website in the same manner they link other businesses listed on their directory; all businesses except non-profit organizations and charities, shopping malls, or fundraising groups may link.
They may link to our Website home page, publications, or any other information available there provided that the link does not deceive users, create false imply endorsement of products/services offered by linked parties and fits within the context of their website.
Other link requests may be considered and approved by one or more of these types:
Information sources that are widely known among both consumers and businesses; Dot.com Community Sites
Associations or groups representing charities
online directory distributors internet portals, accounting, law, consulting companies; educational institutions; and trade associations can all serve as reliable information resources.
Link requests from these organizations will only be granted if (a) it does not reflect negatively on us or our accredited businesses, (b) there has been no negative history with them and (c) visibility/hyperlink compensate for His Secret Obsession's absence; and (d) is contained within general informational context.
Linking parties may link to our homepage provided that their link does not in any way deceive or mislead users; (b) does not imply endorsement, sponsorship or approval of their services and products; and (c) fits within the context of their website.
If you belong to one of the organizations mentioned above and would like to link with us, send an email including your name, organization name, contact details, website URL(s), other website(s) from which you intend to link us (if applicable), and the URL(s) from His Secret Obsession which you would like linked. Expect a reply within 2-3 weeks.
Approved organizations may link to our website using one of the following methods:
Utilise our company name or utilise the Uniform Resource Locator being linked; or adopt any other format and text appropriate for their linking site context and format.
His Secret Obsession and other artwork cannot be used without first entering into a trademark licensing agreement.
Without our express written approval, frames may not be placed around our website as this would alter its appearance and visual presentation.
Content Liability
You acknowledge that we cannot be held liable for the content on your website and you must defend and protect us against any claims brought forth from this. Links that contain offensive, criminal or libelous material should never appear on a website; similarly links which violate, infringe upon or advocate the violation of third party rights must never appear therein.
Read The Privacy Statement carefully for details regarding your Privacy.
Reservation of Rights
At any time, you have the right to request that we remove all links leading to our website and you agree to take swift action upon receiving such request. Furthermore, we reserve the right at any time to amend these terms and conditions or its linking policy; by linking continuously to our site you agree to comply with and abide by such changes.
Remove Links From Our Website
Feel free to reach out if any link on our website offends. We will consider requests to take down links but are under no obligation or commitment to do so directly or respond back directly.
We cannot guarantee that all information contained on this site is 100% accurate, comprehensive or up-to-date.
Discover more by exploring our website, where we exclude to the extent permitted by law any warranties, representations and conditions in relation to its use and operation. Please note this disclaimer does not:
Limit or exclude liability for death or personal injury to an individual; mes Exclude or reduce our or your liability for fraud or fraudulent representation;
And/or limit it in ways not allowed by applicable law.
We or you cannot exclude liability that is prohibited by applicable law. All limitations and prohibitions of liability in this Section and elsewhere are subject to the preceding sentence, governing all liabilities that arise under this disclaimer, such as contract liability, tort claims and breaches of statutory duties.
As long as we provide this website and its information and services free of charge, we cannot be held liable for any harm or loss of any type.
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